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What a Creep

Season 26, Episode 2

Phyllis Schlafly

But before we had those weird losers like Lauren Bobert, Majorie Taylor Greene, and Laura Loomer, we had Phyllis Schlafly.

Schlafly was a conservative activist who successfully campaigned against the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution because she thought women should stay home, and we were lucky to do so. 

Her work in the conservative movement paved the way for so much of what we see now in the GOP platform, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the constant sexism and transphobia.

She was a garbage person with a lot of crappy takes. What a creep.

Phyllis Schlafly: Creepy Woman Hater – What a Creep

What a Creep Season 26, Episode 2 Phyllis Schlafly But before we had those weird losers like Lauren Bobert, Majorie Taylor Greene, and Laura Loomer, we had Phyllis Schlafly. Schlafly was a conservative activist who successfully campaigned against the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S.

Trigger warning: Sexism, homophobia, the c-word, and we don’t mean “creep”

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