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What a Creep

Season 26, Episode 5

Sun City and Apartheid in South Africa 

Sun City is a luxury resort and casino complex in South Africa. During the apartheid era (1948-1990s), it became infamous for hosting international artists despite the global cultural boycott of South Africa. The South African government promoted Sun City as a major entertainment destination, but for many, it symbolized the oppression and exploitation of apartheid.

Artists United Against Apartheid was a collective of musicians who came together in 1985 to raise awareness and protest apartheid, mainly targeting the Sun City resort. Steven Van Zandt, a musician and member of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band, and record producer Arthur Baker spearheaded the group. They were outraged by the continued performances of international artists at Sun City despite the call for a cultural boycott of South Africa.

Trigger Warning: Racism

Sun City and Artists United Against Apartheid – What a Creep

What a Creep Season 26, Episode 5 Sun City and Apartheid in South Africa is a luxury resort and casino complex in South Africa. During the, it became infamous for hosting international artists despite the global cultural boycott of South Africa.

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