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Book Vs. Movie: 1984

The 1949 Classic Novel Vs. the 1984 Adaptation

The Margos continue their look at “Banned Books’ in September with the novel 1984, which is set in a dystopian world dominated by a totalitarian regime that enforces complete obedience and constant surveillance. The protagonist, Winston Smith, works at the Ministry of Truth, altering historical records to fit the Party’s narrative. Despite outward compliance, he questions the Party’s authority and secretly documents his dissent. The story culminates in Winston’s imprisonment and torture, leading to his ultimate betrayal and psychological manipulation. The 1984 film adaptation, directed by Michael Radford, is considered one of the most faithful to Orwell’s novel.

Which version did we (the Margos) prefer? Have a listen to find out. 

In this ep, the Margos discuss:

Clips used:

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