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What a Creep

Led Zeppelin on Tour

Season 28, Episode 7

Led Zeppelin is making headlines again with the release of their first official documentary in decades, titled “Becoming Led Zeppelin.” The film primarily focuses on the band’s music and the early stages of their career as iconic touring legends. One of us is a huge fan (the one leading this episode) and appreciates the band’s remarkable talent while acknowledging their complicated history, including some unsettling stories. Their life on the road has become part of the groupie lore passed down for decades, and there are also stories involving witchcraft and devil worship connected to Jimmy Page.

The band officially broke up in 1980 following the death of drummer John Bonham. They have regrouped in various forms over the years, but the late ’60s and ’70s Led Zeppelin—with their numerous tales of debauchery—form the basis for most of this episode. Let’s Ramble On, y’all!

Led Zeppelin on the Road: Mud Sharks, Baby Groupies , and Backstage Beatdowns! – What a Creep

What a Creep Led Zeppelin on Tour Season 28, Episode 7 making headlines again with releasing their first official documentary in decades, titled” The film primarily focuses on the band’s music and the early stages of their career as iconic touring legends.

Trigger warnings: SA, sexual harassment, grooming, and host Margo breaking out in song from time to time. 

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