by Margo Donohue | Sep 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
Is it Fall yet? Doesn’t feel like it. Hello, neighbors! Let’s get to it-RH of Dallas goes to the Rodeo; RHOC dress all in red and fight; we have a bunch of new movie/podcasts/social media recs for ya; and our “Seriously, F—This...
by Margo Donohue | Sep 10, 2018 | Podcast, Uncategorized
Hey there, Neighbors, we’re back in your ears this week and we get right to RHONY reunion, part 3; RHOD and unseemly extensions; RIP, Burt Reynolds;the NY Times anonymous Op-Ed piece (It’s coming from inside the White House!); a couple of podcast recs, a...
by Margo Donohue | Sep 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hi Ya, Neighbors! How’s your summer winding up? Over at the BNP, our Cameo Cup runneth over! We’ve got messages and well-wishes from TWO more Real Housewives! We play those for you, as well as discuss part deux of the RHONY Reunion; Also RHOD invasion of...
by Margo Donohue | Aug 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Welcome one & all to this week’s episode of BNP! The Neighbors get right to work talking about RHONY reunion; RHOD & OC; on a more serious note, we talk about the Mollie Tibbits case and the Cohen/Manafort indictments. But to make things fun and happy...
by Margo Donohue | Aug 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hey Neighbors! Thanks for stopping by! This week has been challenging, to say the least. Margo tells us how NOT to let the food delivery guy in; a deep dive into the cabarlesque that is the RHONY finale; a double serving of Housewives, with RH of Dallas premiering;...
by Margo Donohue | Aug 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hey there, Neighbors! How’s your August going? We’ve convened once again in the living room to do a deep dive on RHONY,where we hear far too much about their colons; Castle Rock; the new Oscar category; Margo’s new BFF, David Crosby; more on The...