by Margo Donohue | Apr 10, 2020 | Podcast
What a Creep Season 4, Episode 6 Chris Matthews Sonia talks about Chris Matthews. Known for his news show “Hardball” and in-depth knowledge of politics and loud, interrupting interview style, Chris Matthews quit his show in March after a series of...
by Margo Donohue | Apr 3, 2020 | Podcast
What a Creep Season 5, Episode 5 Reverend Jim Jones “The People’s Temple” Margo leads the discussion this week talking about a cult Creep–the Reverend Jim Jones who caused the deaths of over 900 people in Jonestown, Guyana in 1978. Jim began...
by Margo Donohue | Mar 25, 2020 | Podcast
What a Creep Season 5, Episode 3 (Bonus Patreon Ep for All!) The March Madness of Creeps! Margo & Sonia are social distancing while digging up Creeps and we realized that we had so much recent news to discuss, that we should create a bonus ep for everyone to...
by Margo Donohue | Mar 20, 2020 | Podcast
What a Creep Season 5, Episode 2 Louis B. Mayer Margo & Sonia are going back in time to talk about an old-school Hollywood Creep–Louis B. Mayer. He harassed women, ruined careers, helped to cover up crimes, and refused to say anything against Hitler in 1939....
by Margo Donohue | Mar 16, 2020 | Podcast
What a Creep Season 5, Episode 1 “Movie Creeps” It’s the start of a new season and we have a whole bunch of Creeps to feature so we decided to start with this fun episode of fictional creeps and creepy moments in movies we used to love. What are some...