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“Summer Playlist” (50-minute Ride)

How much do you love this beach wrap?

How much do you love this beach wrap?


Hey there! Hi there! How there!


The heat! Can someone please give me some relief from this damn heat?!! I am so tired of having my air conditioning running 24/7 and fighting hair frizz and it is making me cuckoo.


However, I do love the longer days, drinks on rooftops and summer music so today I am presenting a list I created last year that features my favorite fun in the sun tunes. You’re welcome!


To set the mood, I am featuring a picture of myself from my childhood. Back then I couldn’t have cared less about the heat—I just wanted to get to the beach!


  • Summer of 69: Bryan Adams

I have a very hard time NOT singing along to this song. “Standing on your momma’s porch—you told me it would last forever!”


  • Vacation: The Go-Go’s

This is probably the best “vacation” song every written.



  • Fantastic Voyage: Coolio

Aw yeah! This makes me want to drive down the coast with my windows open.




  • Rain in the Summertime: The Alarm

I can listen to this anytime of the year.



  • Waterfalls: TLC

Aw, RIP Left Eye…



  • Spill the Wine: The Animals

If there is ever a song to enjoy while sipping on fruity drinks by a pool—it is this one!


  • All Summer Long: Kid Rock

Kid Rock was smart enough to mesh some of my favorite parts of Sweet Home Alabama and make it his own beer swilling theme. (I mean that as a compliment.)


  • Boys of Summer: Don Henley

Have you heard this song at top volume lately? It freaking rules!


  • Poker Face: Lady Gaga

Gaga always says “summer” to me for some reason.


  • Pumped Up Kicks: Foster the People

This was my favorite song a few years ago and you know what? I am STILL not sick of it.


  • Fly: Sugar Ray

Because I just wanna fly too.


  • Sexy & I Know It: LMFAO

For obvious reasons (I am too damn sexy and I know it!)


  • Steal My Sunshine: Len

I really loved this tune from the soundtrack of the film Go. (Whatever happened to Len?)


That’s all I have today folks. Let me know about some of your favorite songs. I am always looking for good tunes.


Until next time…


Ox Ox,

Brooklyn Fit Chick

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