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Book Vs Movie “The Birds”

Book Vs Movie  The Birds The Daphne du Maurier 1951 Short Story Vs the Alfred Hitchcock 1963 Classic Film The Margos both have stories about the first time we saw the Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds and knew they also wanted to return to the fascinating life of Daphne...

Book vs Movie “Practical Magic”

Book Vs Movie  Practical Magic Alice Hoffman 1995 Novel Vs the 1998 Cult Classic Film The Margos are feeling very witchy in this episode dedicated to Alice Hoffman’s novel Practical Magic and the 1998 adaptation from director/actor Griffin Dunne. This is one of...

Book Vs Movie “The Maltese Falcon”

Book Vs Movie  The Maltese Falcon Dashiell Hammett’s 1930 dark novel Vs the 1941 Bogart film noir classic This episode is the stuff that dreams are made of with the Margos talking about The Maltese Falcon which was written by Dashiell Hammett originally in five...