by Margo Donohue | Mar 20, 2016 | Playlists
BROOKLYN FIT CHICK’S PLAYLIST “Raiding the iPod Classic” Playlist (50 Minute-Ride) Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! Coming up with a new playlist on a frequent basis is one of the most stressful parts of my job. When I started out I played everything I liked and...
by Margo Donohue | Jan 18, 2016 | Playlists
BROOKLYN FIT CHICK’S PLAYLIST “Bowie & Freddie” Playlist (50 Minute-Ride) Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! As I write this post it has been exactly a week since we lost David Bowie and just a few days since Alan Rickman took his acting genius to the big...
by Margo Donohue | Dec 28, 2015 | Playlists
Brooklyn Fit Chick’s “Top 10 Workout Songs of 2015!” Plus: Favorite Radio Stations to Check Out Online Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! As 2015 starts to move out the front door (and don’t let it hit you on the ass on your way out, Mister!) I am...
by Margo Donohue | Sep 20, 2015 | Playlists
BROOKLYN FIT CHICK’S PLAYLIST “Bruno Mars” Ride (50 Minutes) Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! There have been so many tunes running through my head lately and I have been remiss in creating a new playlist over the last couple of weeks. My bad habit of...
by Margo Donohue | Dec 28, 2014 | Playlists, Uncategorized
Brooklyn Fit Chick’s New Year’s Workout Goals Plus: Top Workout Songs of 2014 (and the Worst!) Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! I can’t believe this year is finally heading out the window and could not be more grateful to see it go. Not sure what you all have been...