by Margo Donohue | Jan 30, 2017 | Playlists
BROOKLYN FIT CHICK’S PLAYLIST “I Lived” 50-Minute Ride Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! I am back to trying to crank out a new playlist every other week which is a herculean task considering how many songs are in my repertoire—but I am up for it! My goal in 2017...
by Margo Donohue | Aug 24, 2014 | Playlists
BROOKLYN FIT CHICK’S PLAYLIST “Ventura Highway” 50-Minute Ride Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! This week’s playlist is a mixture of old and new styles of music for a 50-minute cardio workout that works well for indoor cycling, outdoor running and the elliptical....
by Margo Donohue | Feb 11, 2014 | Playlists
BROOKLYN FIT CHICK’S PLAYLIST “Crystal Vases” (50-minute Ride) Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! Is it cold enough for you? (West Coast peeps can just shut their collective pie holes, by the way. We get it—it’s nice there. Now stop bragging about...